Student Guide: Dissertation Help and Tips

Dissertation Help and Tips

Writing a dissertation is one of the most difficult things that any student will ever have to do. At the beginning you’ll be thinking how can I possibly get this many words out of such a niche topic and by the end you’ll be cutting down on text and having to trim down all of your intellectual spiel. In this article we will explore some help and tips as to how to get through this mammoth task.

Finding a Title

This can often be one of the hardest parts of a dissertation and once you have this key component, ideas simply start rolling off the production line. Find something you are interested in and could write a reasonable deal about, however it should not be something taught directly, but should be related to the course. Remember that it should be a question and not a title.


Writing a document of this scale requires a long period of planning but more importantly keeping to the plan. Going off-piste can be beneficial but sticking to a general outline will give your dissertation good form and will help it to flow better. This should involve how much you plan to write for each section, approximately.

Finding Inspiration

You are going to have to write a serious amount and it will not suffice to put down some vague details and general points. Find a motivation and a part of the topic that really interests you and focus your energies into this section. You will enjoy satisfying your intellectual curiosities while also turning out high quality pieces of work.

Be flexible

Once you’ve started you can edit the plan that you’ve made or even change the title if you wish. There is no point getting 500 words in and then feeling that you cannot change the title because you’ve started. If you do not believe you can write enough then stop, consider if you haven’t done enough research or if your topic is too narrow. Then either make the question wider or change.

Seeking Help

Don’t see a dissertation as a mountain that you alone must scale. Ultimately, you must overcome it, but there are plenty of people who can help you on the way. Lecturers, friends, family, and experts in the field you are writing your dissertation in. Spending some time with some of the experts and most knowledgeable people in your field will validate your dissertation and give it more credibility, especially if these people are well renowned.

Don’t leave it too late

Start early and finish early, you can always add to it rather than having to bodge together a poor dissertation as the deadline approaches.


As you can see, writing a dissertation could not be easier (I wish). Ultimately, it comes down to a bit of elbow grease and some time spent on it, if these are in high quantities then you cannot go wrong.