3 Reasons To Get a Part-Time Job Now

Here our are top 3 reasons of why you should find and keep a part time job whilst you are a student. student job

1. You’ll get a better job when you graduate.

If you can prove to employers that you have got a degree (don’t worry about the grade), some work experience and had a social life it proves that you have amazing organisational skills. You have also gained other valuable skills from the work experience.

If you can find a part time job or even an internship then it just shows so much to a graduate employer. You could even go one better and start your own business – even if that ‘fails’ then it shows so much determination and courage to have even started.

Just make sure you are doing something outside your degree with it’s a part time job, internship or starting your own business. You simply have to do something to stand out. Maybe you can even do all 3!

2. You’ll have an even better social life.

Having a part time job will expand your social life at uni, you’ll meet all sorts of new people. A new circle of friends will form and these people will also be about in the summer months, should you decide to stay in your uni town during the holidays.

Take the opportunity to network with everyone you get to meet at work. You may find a new friend, girlfriend or boyfriend or (more importantly) a career contact.

3. Most importantly, your finances will be in better state.

Financially, you’ll be in a really good position when you work a part time job. Some students are able to finance their own round the world trips during the summer months. I personally experienced the steve burfordvolcanoes of Guatemala, the rain forests of Costa Rica and the beaches of Mexico during a month long trip at the end of my first year.

That’s me in Nicaragua feeding a parrot! >>>

You can do all of this too.

Even if you don’t want to travel, it is possible to save at least £3000 per year (money in the bank) whilst at university which will hope no end when you finish university.

I did it and managed to put £10k in the bank before finishing university. I subsequently spent it all again building this website but you won’t be doing the same!

So, what are you waiting for? Start building your CV and find a part time job today!