How to save money on your insurance as a young driver

Some young drivers may find that the cost of their car insurance is greater than what they shelled out on their car insuranceactual car. Most insurers are particularly cautious when covering freshly qualified motorists, especially young males.

Is it really any wonder? The AA has some alarming statistics: 1 in 5 drivers are involved in a crash in their first year on the road; male drivers under 21 are 10 times more likely to have a crash than men over 35; drivers under 25 represent 1 in 8 of total UK motorists but 1 in 4 UK motorists who die in collisions; and in 2007 40% of passengers seriously injured or killed in motor accidents were in a car driven by a young driver.

Unquestionably, young drivers are a greater risk to insurers and fellow motorists, but the majority are perfectly safe. Luckily for them, there are ways yo get around the sky-high cost of young persons’ motor insurance.

Young Drivers Insurance

Going to a specialist insurer, or at least one that sets themselves up to take on more young drivers than average, can reap rewards. Swinton young drivers insurance is a perfect example. They deal with a panel of young-driver and student car insurance providers to make sure they get you the best deal they can, providing flexible payment terms and further reductions on the market rate for drivers who have taken the Pass Plus test.

Temporary Car Insurance

Perhaps you only need to drive your car between home and university when term starts and ends, or you need to drive your friends’ or parents’ car for a short time. A temporary car insurance policy could by the perfect fit. You can get fully comprehensive cover for 1-28 days instantly, giving you great flexibility and saving you from large premiums that don’t reflect your sporadic car usage.

Choose a safe car and keep it safe

When learning to drive, you might fantasise about the wheels you’ll soon be able to call your own, but for insurance purposes, you are far better off going for a car in a low insurance group. Insurance group 1 is the lowest, and there are websites which allow you to search for cars along insurance group lines. Once you have a car that insurers view as low-risk, try and minimise other risks by avoiding modifications other than security devices and, if at all possible, parking it off the street.

No-claims discount

The longer your driving history, the more insurers will judge you as an individual. The clearest example of this is your no-claims discount, which accumulates with every year that you don’t make a claim, or are not at fault for an accident. If you are a young driver who drives regularly, you might find yourself penalised early on but if you focus on driving safely – and you can look into getting a ‘black box’ GPS tracker that records data on your driving to show how safe you are – you will quickly see your premiums drop relative to your peers.