What is Wealthy Student? Why are we here?

wealthy student{AF template=round_quotes} We’re here to help you save money at university and make the transition to your career and life after university much more smooth – Steve Burford. Founder of WS. {/AF}

School, college and university teach you things…sometimes good things…but they never explain how to survive when you finish university.

We’re here to help you put £10,000 in your student bank account (as Steve did) whilst you’re at university (as Steve did), start your own business and then get hired after university (as Steve did on his first interview into a £25k a year job to subsidise his business for 6 months) into a job you want.

We’ll also help find you some student discounts, too.

This is a site for those who want to live off the beaten track and carve individual lives and careers, inspiring those around them.


A little about Steve Burford, the founder.

steve burford

I’ve always been interested in business. Whether it be buying and selling at car boot sales or washing cars at age 11, I’ve always been looking for a way to work for myself.

After managing to save a decent amount of money (around £10,000) whilst I was studying Media Writing at Southampton Solent University – I figured it would be a great idea to start my own online business. I was told by someone to do something you know about, clearly, I knew a bit about saving money – so I created this site to help you do the same!

I really am no superman, don’t come from a wealthy family at all and if I can do it, you can certainly do it. No question about that.

Since graduating in 2008, I’ve turned the site into more of a self improvement, helping students start businesses, more money saving and helping with advice post graduation.

I’ve tried to live what the site is all about as I’m a keen traveler (that’s me in Nepal recently >>>) and very much into improving and making the most of each day.

There is a lot of opportunity for students to set up their lives at university and the next three or four years after university are crucial for the transition for the rest of your career. That’s what I’m trying to help you do.

WS is a continuous and never ending improvement, I hope you enjoy it and if you have any suggestions, please contact us!


{AF template=round_quotes} Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like. Will Smith. {/AF}