Top 5 business blogs – Marketing

Starting a business is hard and any budding entrepreneur needs to be up on current trends and information in the business world. To help you on your way we’ve compiled a list of 5 must-read business blogs you absolutely need to follow.

Why blogs are great

Starting and running a business is all about learning. Blogs offer a great and current way to read from and learn from those established names in the entrepreneurial world. They have learnt the lessons the hard way and are more than willing to impart their lessons, so you don’t have to make the same mistakes they made. They provide you with inspiring new ideas and can keep you on the forefront of technological trends as well as give you the heads up on upcoming events.

While it might have a bad rep, ultimately, if you want to run a successful business at one point or another you’ll have to get to grips with marketing. While you might have a great idea, If you can’t convince people to buy your product or use your service then a great idea is all it will ever be.

On that note, here are our pick of 5 of the best marketing blogs in no particular order:


Seth Godin

Marketing guru Seth Godin’s blog is a must for anyone interested in…well…marketing. Considered to be America’s greatest marketer he has been responsible for changing the marketing industry. His blog is one of the most subscribed blogs in the world written by a single individual. Oh and he’s written thirteen books almost all of which have been best sellers – would you expect anything less from a marketing guru?


Entrepreneur’s Journey

Heaps of marketing material as well as great general business advice.


Conversion Rate Optimization and Marketing Blog

Not the catchiest of names but this blog from does exactly what it says on the tin. It offers huge amounts of advice on all things marketing and SEO related and if you’re attempting to run a web based business of any kind then the lessons and techniques in here are pure gold.


Duct Tape Marketing

A blog that specializes on marketing advice for small businesses on a budget. Based in the US, but given the nature of online business this is applicable to any online startup.


Church of the Customer

If you want to know how brands like Harley Davidson create their customer loyalty then look no further. This blog has heaps of practical advice as well as using interesting and funny real life examples of marketing in practice.