Students: Choose the Right University

Get the University course that offers you the most

Choosing to go on to further education used to be the natural progression, a way of getting your perfect job (hopefully), whilst not only expanding your knowledge but also to have fun. Things have changed a lot in recent years and with the University courses now costing up to £9000 a year in England there is the real temptation to look into other avenues.

There has been an increased popularity for those choosing to go straight into work or becoming an apprentice and learning their trade with a small wage. The numbers may have changed, there might be an increase in apprentices but this is no different to how it always has been. Some learn better on the job, some are more focused in a class room. At the end of the day it’s a choice about what is best for the individual, and though courses cost money, there are ways to arrange matters around it.

It may make sense to apply for a university locally so that you can stay at home and pay no rent but then there are those who don’t have a University close at hand any way. For the Scots though, this idea of staying at home, or at least within Scotland is the most sensible. It’s now common and the highest in Britain, at 31% of students choosing to stay in Scotland since the fees were introduced in England, as they have nothing to pay and make practical sense.

Save Money: Study local V Pay Rent: Get the Course for You

For English students the reality has not been an increase in local applications and staying at home with mum and dad. Rather, there has been a swing towards value for money, it’s logical that when there is a charge for what we receive people will look at all available options a lot more thoroughly.

Research is showing that students are taking time to look very closely at their options and choosing those Universities that are performing well, also this means that the Universities themselves have to up their game to recruit their students. There is a lot more completion between courses and Uni’s than before.

In Wales it seems only 2% wish to stay and study near home compared to the 10% that choose to stay in London. This perhaps has to do with availability of courses, but also the quality and the lifestyle. Not only do you have high numbers of Colleges, Uni’s and courses but the competition should drive up quality, so if you are paying this may be the place to suffer the living at home with the folks and get the best education you can for your money.

A computer science degree in London or even an arts degree there should have more competition of courses to drive up standards and give more bang for your buck.

Students need to think smart and act wisely, don’t fall back on the clearing system but research thoroughly, know the system, visit the University and look closely at the course structure. Be ready for your interviews and know your stuff because though Universities want your money they still want the best student.