Change Your Money Path

The majority of people spend money on things they don’t really want or need. Would you sacrifice the things you do want for all the money paththings you don’t?

It’s a serious question and one that will ultimately define the rest of your life. Whether you will live a rich life or a poor one.

Due to the fast pace of life, we don’t spend enough time thinking about the things we do want and the things we want to do. If we spent, let’s say, 2 hours a day thinking about what we wanted – the whole world would be a whole lot different.

Have you ever thought and then written down what you really want? Probably not.

Try it right now.

Grab a pen. I said grab a pen!

Put a date at the top of the page. I.e. 4th December 2011, 1st January 2012, September 1st 2030 etc.

Now put down the left hand page:

– I have

– I have done

– I am

Now you need to complete all the things you want to have done on that date. Here are some examples…

“I have a 5 bedroom house in the heart of West London.”

“I have £3.2 million in my bank.”

“I have done my round the world trip, visiting 18 countries and learning Spanish on the way. It was amazing!”

“I am so happy with the life and the person I have become.”

If you’re able to see with clear focus the things you want in life, your sub-conscious mind will go out and achieve these things and avoid the things you don’t need.

If you do want to spend £20,000 a year on going out then that is possible but you will have to sacrifice other areas of your life to do that. By the way, this would include eating at restaurants! Want to travel? You can do it. Want to spend £7000 a year on shoes? You can do that too.

Whatever makes you happy you should concentrate on. But, whatever your luxury, it means you’ll need to sacrifice other areas to get where you want to be.