Podcast #2 Shed Simove – The UK’s best product inventor

Shed SimoveShed Simove is one of my favourite entrepreneurs. He explains that even though he has sold over a million of his products, he still confesses to ‘blagging it’. He doesn’t know how he has got where he is. It’s just a matter of getting up and taking action, failing, failing better and then failing some more.

Britain is slowly catching up with America in terms of our thought processes towards failure and Shed and I both have the same opinion that failure isn’t a negative thing. It should be celebrated. We should be extremely proud of our hurts and scars, it’s a POSITIVE THING.


In this podcast we talk about:

– How to start a business. What you can do to start right now.

– Why you need PASSION for what you do or else you may as well not bother.

– What freedom really is and what it means to Shed.

– Why you have to start now, today. This is the only moment that counts.

– About his products and where has come from to where he is today.

It’s an inspiring one so get it on now. There was a funny bit the podcast where Shed thought he was being robbed so he went downstairs and beat the burglar up. Listen out for that!

Check out his site: ShedSimove.com for his products. I wholeheartedly recommend his book, Ideas Man too.

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