Revising on Your Phone

We’ve all been there: tons upon tons of books, weighing your bag down and leaving your back feeling as if a piano was restedsmartphone upon it. Sometimes, your bag rips while you’re walking and a few books fall out, causing embarrassment and leaving you red faced amongst others.

The solution to this is you’d say: an eBook. True, eBooks certainly hold much value and allow you to read from a wealth of material. However, eBooks don’t always have the academic references you’re looking for. Furthermore, though they’re certainly slick, they’re also big devices. Fitting them into a bag already filled with all the books that couldn’t be found on your eBook, is hassle and an added burden on your shoulders (literally).

There is a solution however; a smartphone! These canny little devices are small so one wouldn’t think them to be an ideal machine for reading literature. However, consider the ease with which they can be carried (slips in your pocket), in addition to the fact that you ought to carry one around with you anyway!

Understand also that the same material that can be found on eBooks can be gathered on smartphones. Nay, better yet, a smartphone can download Microsoft Word documents with ease, and so lecture notes can be stored on them with ease.

In fact, I got through my final year exams through revising off my iPhone and I got a first (although I may just be special).
Whether you’re checking up Samsung Galaxy s3, HTC One S or iPhone 4S deals, the ability of your new smartphone to help with revision cannot be underestimated.

In fact, there are a number of apps, such as the Revision App, that boasts a database of over five million revision notes for university students!

Perhaps on that note, it might be time to ditch the books and replace it with a cheeky little smartphone.