How to Make a Great Summer Garden Party on a Budget

Summer Fun in the Garden

Planning to have a summer garden party? Summer garden parties can be very exciting when done correctly yet very stressful to plan.

Therefore, if you are planning to do this, definitely get some others to assist with the planning and executing of those plans. Many people tend to think that garden parties are costly, but they don’t have to be. You can have a great summer garden party and still do it within a smaller budget.

Continue to read along here and you will get some ideas on how to make your own summer garden party happen without breaking the bank.

Preparing for Your Plan

Depending on how long you have to make your garden event happen, you will have to vary the amount of time spent for each of these tasks. It’s better if you have a timeline to plan for at least one month. At least a week before the party you will need to have accomplished the following tasks:

  • Choose the location.
  • Choose your plant containers.
  • Creation of a color palette.
  • Plan the menu.
  • Within the week of the party you should be able to easily tackle the following tasks:
  • Selection of the tables and chairs.
  • Designing the table settings.
  • Purchasing the beverages.
  • After taking care of the previous things, the day of the party you should only need to do the following things:
  • Prepare the food.
  • Set the table.

Now, one of the keys to keep things within a reasonable budget, you will need to focus on the following areas and think of some alternatives to make things simple and nice:


The biggest thing about your location choice should be that it looks like a garden and/or has plenty of greenery. Instead of trying to have to plant so many plants and that type of thing, one thing you can do is choose a location that already has plenty of colorful plants and greenery.

you may have a nice park in your area, or you may have a neighbor or friend that is willing to allow their nice greenery to be showcased as you have your party at their place.

Another way could be to purchase inexpensive plants or even fake plants to place in your containers to complete the color palette you are aiming for.

Table Settings

One thing a lot of people focus on is trying to get nice fabrics to dress their tables with.

However, to keep things inexpensive, you could simply choose wooden tables and allow for the wood to remain exposed instead of covering it with fabric. You could also add color to your table setting by purchasing fruits very cheaply from your local store that fit with your color palette and will create nice color accents for the party.

Presentation for Your Drinks and Silverware

It’s a garden party so just keep things very simple. Displaying your drinks in buckets with ice is better than having people going back and forth to the refrigerator. Silverware should also be kept in contains around the table to keep things easily accessible so that everyone can just relax and enjoy the party.

As you may have come to realize now, the best thing you can do for your summer garden part is keep things very simple. Complimenting the natural scenery and allowing it to shine will enhance the garden experience you are aiming for. Making a conscious decision not to make it complicated can be hard, but if you can accomplish the art of “less is more” you will have a beautiful and fun summer garden party.