Content Marketing Strategy

If you intend for your business to built around text related content (not images, podcasts or video) then you have to write and write lots. For all these different types of media, you need awriting content market strategy.

What do you readers want? When should you give it to them? Are they thirsty for a particular type of content?

Aim: To publish on a daily basis

It’s not easy to do something every day but this is when you must visualise the vision you are creating. Rome wasn’t built in a day.


{AF template=round_quotes} Success will never be a big step in the future, success is a small step taken just now.  ~ Jonatan Mårtensson {/AF}

By building, adding and creating something on a daily basis – and whilst everyone else gives up and says it’s ‘too hard’ – you will have created something ground-breaking. Something to be proud of. Be conscious of the vision you are creating with every step you take forward.

Here are a few things you can do on a daily basis:

– Twitter updates. Provide something of value to your followers.

– Get information and re-publish it via Google Alerts. Get a steady stream of advice about your niche.

– Facebook updates. Provide something entertaining to your Facebook fans.

And on a weekly basis you should aim to:

– Write a new blog post for your readers. Aim for quality over quantity. Make your post well researched and what your users want.

– A short video.

– A podcast.

– A photo gallery.

– Update your home page.

– Participate in your own forum.

And on a monthly basis here are some ideas for you:

– Do an extensive piece of research that brings in many different threads from your site, linking it together more coherently.

– Build a new newsletter

– Produce a longer video

– Create a PowerPoint and share it via Slideshare

And on a quarterly basis:

– Create an ebook

– Create a video series

– Run a contest

Every 6 months or annually:

– Do a webcast

– Produce an annual industry whitepaper

– Create and launch an iPhone app

Ultimately, you need to have a plan and stick to it. Commit to taking action and moving forward on a daily basis. Your thoughts and your habits are what you become. Take action and make a plan today.